- 2022
Search for pair-produced scalar and vector leptoquarks decaying into third-generation quarks and first- or second-generation leptons in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Oktober 202246.
Measurements of observables sensitive to colour reconnection in $t\bar{t}$ events with the ATLAS detector at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV
September 202245.
Zoller, Julian; Zargaran, Amin; Braschke, Kamil; Meyer, Jörg; Janoske, Uwe; Dittler, Achim
A Novel Apparatus for Simultaneous Laser-Light-Sheet Optical Particle Counting and Video Recording in the Same Measurement Chamber at High Temperature
Sensors, 22 (4)
ISSN: 1424-822044.
Voss C., Janoske U.
A surrogate approach to rapidly predict particle collection on single fiber using computational fluid dynamics and machine learning
Machine Learning und Artificial Intelligence in Strömungsmechanik und Strukturanalyse
Herausgeber: NAFEMS
Mai 202243.
Schneider, Lukas; Kaul, Matthias; Braschke, Kamil; Eilts, Peter; Schmidt, Eberhard; Janoske, Uwe
Ash Behaviour in Wall-Flow Filters
In Bargende, Michael and Reuss, Hans-Christian and Wagner, Andreas, Editor, 22. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium, Seite 629--646
In Bargende, Michael and Reuss, Hans-Christian and Wagner, Andreas, Editor
Herausgeber: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden
2022ISBN: 978-3-658-37009-1
Rottmann, Matthias; Reese, Marco
Automated Detection of Label Errors in Semantic Segmentation Datasets via Deep Learning and Uncertainty Quantification
Braschke, Kamil Oskar; Zoller, Julian; Freese, Florian; Dittler, Achim; Janoske, Uwe
Fast adhesion calculation for collisions between arbitrarily shaped particles and a wall
Powder Technology, 405 :117494
ISSN: 0032-591040.
Burgmann, Sebastian; Krämer, Veronika; Dues, Michael; Steinbock, Jonas; Büttner, Lars; Czarske, Juergen; Janoske, Uwe
Flow-measurements in the wak e of an oscillating sessile droplet using laser-Doppler velocity profile sensor
tm - Technisches Messen, 89 (3) :178--188
Burgmann, Sebastian; Krämer, Veronika; Rohde, Martin; Dues, Michael; Janoske, Uwe
Inner and outer flow of an adhering droplet in shear flow
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 153 :104140
ISSN: 0301-932238.
Amin Zargaran, Uwe Janoske
Prediction of the mixing efficiency in rotor-stator system for high viscous mixtures based on a combined Lagrangian particle approach with an Immersed-Boundary Method
September 202237.
Aad, Georges; others
Search for flavour-changing neutral-current interactions of a top quark and a gluon in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$~TeV with the ATLAS detector
Eur. Phys. J. C, 82 (4) :334
2022- 2021
Zang, M.; Haußmann, N.; Stroka, S.; Mease, R.; Clemens, M.; Burkert, A.; Popp, A.; Schmuelling, B.
Personenschutz bei induktivem Laden von Fahrzeugbatterien -- Ansätze zur praktikablen Echtzeitbestimmung der magneto-quasistatischen Körperexposition
Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, Duisburg, 17.06.2021. Full paper submitted, 2021.
Juni 202135.
Caracas, Ioana Alexandra; others
A tau scenario application to a search for upward-going showers with the Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
PoS, ICRC2021 :1145
Janssen, N.; Gesell, H.; Gutt, R.; Janoske, U.
Adaption of the Aluminium Electrolysis to Volatile Power Supply: Development of a Predictive Model to Investigate the Thermal Behavior of a Cell
presented at NAFEMS World Congress 2022
Oktober 202133.
Braschke, Kamil; Zoller, Julian; Zargaran, Amin; Dittler, Achim; Janoske, Uwe
Analytical and numerical calculation of the detachment of particle structures from fibers
Aerosol Science and Technology :1--11
September 2021
Herausgeber: Informa {UK} Limited32.
Haußmann, N.; Zang, M.; Clemens, M.; B., Schmülling
Bestimmung der Exposition des menschlichen Körpers durch niederfrequente Magnetfelder in der Umgebung induktiv geladener Elektrotaxis – ein Überblick am Beispiel des TALAKO-Projekts
Abstract at URSI e.V. Deutschland 2020 Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2021)
September 202131.
Schimp, Michael; others
Combined Search for UHE Neutrinos from Binary Black Hole Mergers with the Pierre Auger Observatory
PoS, ICRC2021 :968
Gottowik, Marvin; Schl\"uter, Felix; Huege, Tim; Rautenberg, Julian
CoREAS simulations of inclined air showers predict refractive displacement of the radio-emission footprint
PoS, ICRC2021 :277
Alves Batista, Rafael; others
CRPropa 3.2: a framework for high-energy astroparticle propagation
PoS, ICRC2021 :978
Aab, Alexander; others
Deep-learning based reconstruction of the shower maximum $X_{max}$ using the water-Cherenkov detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory
JINST, 16 (07) :P07019
Haußmann, N.; Zang, M.; Stroka, S.; Mease, R.; Schmuelling, B.; Clemens, M.
Efficient Assessment of the Human Exposure to Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Based on Free Space Field Measurements
23rd International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2021), Cancun, Mexico, Online Conference, 16.-21.01.2022. Two-page digest submitted.
Alameddine, Jean-Marco; others
Electromagnetic Shower Simulation for CORSIKA 8
PoS, ICRC2021 :428
Abreu, Pedro; others
Expected performance of the AugerPrime Radio Detector
PoS, ICRC2021 :262
Aab, Alexander; others
Extraction of the muon signals recorded with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory using recurrent neural networks
JINST, 16 (07) :P07016
Reininghaus, Maximilian; others
GPU Accelerated optical light propagation in CORSIKA 8
PoS, ICRC2021 :705